Solution Accelerators

Acute’s Business Solution Accelerators are gamut of proven rapid implementation products, tools , solutions and services. Acute exceeds customer’s expectation with the use of it’s proprietary Business Solution Accelerators. These tools & service offerings are result of Acute’s profound technical and domain rational knowledge and are designed to help it’s customers implement their solutions with ease.
Acute’s Business Solution Accelerators spans across a varied range of software products, tools ,solutions and services such as :

ETL is an acronym for extract , transform , load. Three database functions that are combined into one tool to pull data out of one database and place it into another database.

ETL is used to migrate data from one database to another, to form data marts and data warehouses and also to convert databases from one format or type to another.
Acute’s ETL is a proven tool which has integrated/migrated data from 30+ multiple legacy database system to a proposed Core Banking solution for 2200+ branches of various banks resulting in better data management


Acute’s ERP Business Accelerators aimed to deliver fully-functional ERP software to various industry verticals. It offers flexible configurations so that the unique business requirements of each customer can be incorporated with ease into the application.
Small to medium sized business that have few customization requirements are a perfect fit for applying the business accelerator methodology with little modifications to scope and business processes being adopted.

Acute’s retail point of sale solution provides off-the-shelf components which allows customer to bill,exchange,return,order, tender and search for inventory across stores and warehouses, the storePOS software als effectively incorporates a comperhensive retail CRM softwareand CRM solution and provides servicelevels at the store front for tracking customers buying patterns and trends.
It’s an enterprise web-based solution offered on Hosted (Off-premise) and Ownership (On-Premise) model.


Acute’s System Integration services use a realistic approach to build IT infrastructure that helps customers address critical business needs. Our ‘customer-first’ approach followed by our skilled team,a profound understanding of domain, technology and our industrialized forward looking approach enable us in excelling customer’s expectations.
Acute’s business acceleartor SI services include program management, application modernization , technology consulting (BCP/DR, Network Orchestration services), solution architecture and management , implementation and training support, service level management, hosting and managed services.

Application Modernization

With the passage of time , even the best of applications lose their relevance and competitive edge. Hence the requirement to continuously examine the performance of your legacy applications systems and keep a tab on the latest developments is imperative. Re-engineering applications to make them compatible with latest platforms help significantly reduce operational costs. Further, the additional capabilities of new technologies can provide access to functions such as Mobility, Business Intelligence , Web Services and integrated development environments. Modernization of your application infrastructure can re-align it to fulfill your current and future business needs by augmenting latest functionalities. Acute’s experience and expertise in re-engineering enterprise legacy applications can help you with your modernization needs. We enable our customers to replace your legacy applications to new technology or platform entirely in a seamless manner.